Friday, July 6, 2007

On sultry nights

My husband isn't here right now so I'm cheating. But not in the way you'd imagine, of course.

I'm cheating because I have the air conditioner on. My husband is an anti-air conditioner guy. Even in Puerto Rico, in the many balmy nights we spent in our tropical island, he disliked the air conditioner, advocating for the natural breezes instead of the fake ones (he's not much of a ceiling fan man, either).

I, on the other hand, have had early menopause for a while. Any humidity cranks up my wacky inner thermostat and I become a faucet running watery sweat from the roots of my hair to my toes. Few things make me crankier than sweating at night. Thus, I'm taking advantage of my husband's momentary absence and I'm running the air conditioner until I and the house cool down.

Everyone else here loves it. Geni appreciates the cool air coming into her room and stops panting, Magellan lounges, stretching to her full length near the air vent, while Darwin peers into the vent trying to figure out what's making the air blow out. Rusty just enjoys the coolness that suffuses the usually warm house.

The dehumidifier in my basement office takes a break from working full-time, and my faulty inner thermostat is smiling contentedly. I'm going to enjoy my sneakiness just a little bit longer before it must, perforce, end. Then it'll be back to the muggy, sultry nights of summer.


Dr. S said...

I've had the air conditioning on today, over at the other place. And the dog loves it there, too: he's spent the whole day curled in front of the vent along the baseboard, sleeping soundly.

Theresa said...

You know how I feel about air conditioning. Now that I have it, it's ON anytime the temperature rises above 85. :)