Saturday, May 12, 2012

Today, I had plans to drive up to my small college on the hill to go to the wonderful farmer's market in the adjoining town, which boasts Amish farmers with wonderful produce.

That was going to be my reward for finishing (last night) this book chapter that I've been struggling with. I didn't finish (but I got to 41 pages, of the 50 I would like to produce) so I decided that instead of investing more than three hours in that plan, including traveling time, I would listen to my husband's advice and try to find another farmer's market nearby.

I recently got an e-mail from the North Market, announcing that their farmer's market would begin today, so I decided to call and see if they had Ohio-grown rhubarb. They confirmed that they did, so off I went in pursuit of locally grown produce.

Being in the North Market always brings me good memories because it was one of the first places that my mother in law introduced me to here in Columbus, back when we couldn't even imagine that we would end up here. Through her inspiration, I learned to love this wonderful place and used to go there often when we lived here before. But once we moved up near my small college on the hill, the North Market became a nice memory.

I am so glad that I'm so near it again (it's less than 15 minutes away) and today, while there, I was reminded of all I love about that place. Not only did I get locally grown chicken, strawberries, and rhubarb (I see a strawberry-rhubarb pie in our future), but I also got Indian food from my favorite Indian place in Columbus (Flavors of India) to eat this evening for dinner.

Now that I am so well abastecida, it's time to sit my butt on this chair and churn away so I can finish this pesky chapter. The goal is to have a final draft TODAY, absolutely no excuses. I am applying to myself what I don't tire of telling my students: Just. Do. It.

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