Friday, October 26, 2012

Fallish things

Now that I can only walk the dogs four of the seven days of the week, since I have to leave for work before dawn on the days I teach at my small college on the hill, I am taking more time on the days I do walk them to pay attention to the sights of fall.

This bush at the back of our house, for example, doesn't say much for most of the year, but in fall it explodes in scarlet, which makes it a lovely sight.

October is also a good month to enjoy butternut squash, one of my favorites. I recently got a recipe from  Martha Stewart Living for a "mash," and since I'm leaning more toward vegetarian dishes nowadays (have lost some of my interest in eating even chicken, a lifelong favorite), I welcomed the opportunity to fix the squash in a way that was meant to conserve most of its minerals and flavors. That's because the recipe didn't call for boiling the squash but for sauteeing and then letting it "sweat," with a little added water, in the pot. The result was delicious and low calorie, even though I did cheat and added two tablespoons of margarine.

These are also the days of diminishing hours of daylight when Chiquita will make the most of a little patch of sunlight for her naps.

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