Saturday, September 28, 2013

September surprises

A transitional month between summer and fall, September tends to be always bring surprises. The warm days and the cool nights feel transitional and toggle us between being able to open windows (like my basement window above, which Hester (our outside feral cat) likes to peek into), and seeing the start of the color change in the leaves, which becomes glorious by October.

The greatest surprise for me in September was ending up in the hospital, after I thought I was "been there done that" with the experience. Turns out my heart medication acted up and, some scary moments and two ambulance rides later, ended up in our nearby hospital overnight. Thankfully, the new medication my cardiologist prescribed works so I'm out of the hospital and back to nearly full speed, though, for the sake of learning from prior mistakes, I won't be resuming that pre-age-of-52 healthy-non-electrically-challenged-heart pace I used to keep.

My sister in law sent me a beautiful flower arrangement, and the stay in the hospital, as usual, makes me appreciate the bluest sky so much more (as well as the ability to look at the sky at all!). Nothing like an experience involving an ambulance to put everything back and very quickly into perspective.

Because my husband was traveling to Maine with his parents to see his sister, my mom came to visit and we got to see "Jersey Boys," which was a hoot, and to take walks with the dog, and to eat out at good restaurants, and we had a lovely time.

Yes, September has been full of surprises but it's also been full of a sense of gratefulness and thankfulness and fullness for the love and the people and the possibilities in my life.

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