Saturday, February 22, 2014

Celebrating papi's birthday

SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO - Today my papi would have been 77 years old. Yesterday, to celebrate his birthday, we held an activity at the university where he and my mom used to teach, and where my mom now works at the dedicated reading room that contains the books they collected during a lifetime together. The event included a six-person panel, and I presented on my father's 2004 novel, La séptima vida, while other participants presented on other of the 23 books (!!) my father published over his life.

My mom organized the event, including the pizcolabis or entremeses, which included locally made cookies, and two of the small zucchini breads my mother-in-law had sent my mom some time ago and which my mom had frozen to enjoy at a later date. They were thawed and sliced and were a hit! 

The panel was excellent (more details can be found here) with each participant presenting on one of the books. Then we had a break and returned to the Sala for a conversation that lasted until 5:30 p.m., past the time when the university offices stay open on a Friday afternoon. I know everyone wanted to continue but it was time to go so we pledged that we'd do something similar again next year, which I'm already looking forward to.

This is a quick trip here in Puerto Rico so today I'm taking advantage that I'm now done with my responsibilities (on Thursday I also visited and presented at the private high school where I taught as a substitute many years ago) to spend some much-appreciated time away from what's become the Alaskan-cold of Ohio this winter. 

We hope to visit my father's grave, in honor of his birthday, and walk around the Old City for a bit. My heart gave us some concerns on Thursday and most of the day yesterday but nothing bad enough to force an ER visit. I finally reached my doctor who advised taking one more medication so, fingers crossed, perhaps there won't be any more scares until I see the new specialist on Wednesday, once I'm back home. As always, here's to hope!

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