Saturday, November 15, 2014

Icy November

When most trees in our small city had lost their leaves after the cold spells that November has brought, this maple still maintained its glorious radiance until yesterday, when it gave up the ghost and its leaves fell, turning the street into a carpet of crimsons and burnt red.

Meanwhile, the Cooper's Hawk that hunts at our feeder paid us a visit recently, scaring off every winged creature and lording it up for the phone camera.

I've been spending a lot of time in my home-away apartment near my small college on the hill, and Chiquita goes up there with me to keep me company so it's not too lonely. She likes to snuggle in this chair where she can keep an eye on me while I work.

She also likes to look out the picture window at the comings and goings outside, maintaining her self-esteem as a very effective guard dog, despite her tiny size.

Recently, upon leaving one of the many meetings I attend these days (I now know that it was no exaggeration when I was told administration meant a lot more meetings) the sunset put up quite the show as it set the sky on fire over the old cemetery in my small college on the hill. Simply breathtaking!

I'm still really enjoying the variety and challenges of balancing my teaching with my new job, but I'm very much looking forward to the break over Thanksgiving week. And then, when we return, it'll be just two weeks before the semester ends. It hasn't been an easy semester work-wise but it's been a breeze compared to last year when I was struggling with so many scary health problems. Being healthy is such a blessing that it provides quick and very good perspective on all other difficulties that might arise.

While it's not fun to think that winter is here again (and this November is feeling more like January!), it's inevitable so best to enjoy what we can and look forward to the spring of a new year.

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