Saturday, February 2, 2008

Groundhog tales

Today is Groundhog Day, and the most famous groundhog of all, Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow early this morning in Pennsylvania, predicting six more weeks of winter.

Poo hoo, I say to that scaredy-cat Punxsutawney Phil!

In contrast, thanks to gray and cloudy skies in Ohio, our version of Phil, Buckeye Chuck, predicted the opposite. He didn't see his shadow (how could he possibly do so?) and he's predicting that spring will come early this year.

I'm putting my money on Buckeye Chuck. Envisioning six more weeks of winter is just too much of a downer right now. Looking forward to an early spring (of course, without the killer frost we had last year in April), seems more like my cup of tea (decaf coffee, actually, and from Starbucks, I must confess).

I'll take Buckeye Chuck's prediction and run with it even though today certainly doesn't look like the harbinger of early spring by any means. I've been waiting for temperatures to rise above freezing so I can take my poor dogs on their walk. They were ready and eager to go out at 7 when I first got up to give them breakfast so you can imagine their despondency when 5 hours later we're still inside and there's no sign of movement.

But I'm taking it easy on this Saturday morning in efforts to stave off a possible cold, the one that's making the rounds all over my small college on the hill. That's one thing about living around young people: there's always some or another virus on the prowl.

That means I don't get to do my half-marathon training today, but hopefully I can do it tomorrow when I'm back in my little city.

For today, forecasters are predicting that the clouds will lift and the sun will shine and the temperatures will rise to almost 40 degrees. I'll believe it when I see and feel it. That would certainly be much more in keeping with Buckeye Chuck's hopeful outlook. We'll just have to wait and see if our Ohio groundhog is a better weatherman than his Pennsylvania cousin.

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