Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Return from Bear Country

I have crossed the continent and lived to tell about it.

I've been in bear and mountain lion country and lived to tell about it, too.

(Truth be told, I didn't see any of those, tG!).

Tonight ends a long, long day of non-stop traveling from Oregon back home to Ohio, and my husband and I are exhausted. But we have wonderful memories and great photos to share.

Going to Oregon, and being there, felt like I was definitely Far Away.

"Far away from what?" my travel-enthusiast husband asked.

"Far from Puerto Rico!" I answered.

"But you don't live in Puerto Rico anymore..." he pointed out.

Still, my measure of what's far is very much still based on my small Caribbean island, which while not my current physical residence is the permanent residence of my soul.

Thus, Oregon felt Far Away, and not necessarily in a bad way, but in an "I'm in the other side of the continent!" way.

More on all that tomorrow and the next day and the next. There's much catching up to be done.

P.S. The Monster was delivered. The defense is June 10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me gustó lo de que Puerto Rico es el "permanent residence of my soul".