Monday, February 15, 2010

Buried in snow: Take 5?

This is the view form the front of my house right now. This is about the fifth snow storm in the past month or so that we've had in Ohio so far, and winter isn't remotely over. My husband and I are both ready to start running for the hills, screaming. That's how sick and tired of this winter we both are.

In the photo below, can you find the driveway and the walkway my husband so painstakingly shoveled last week? No? Neither can we.

My husband just saw a Carolina wren at our feeder, and read that they are fragile birds who tend to have a hard time when there's lots of snow and very cold winters. Immediately, I asked my husband to rush out and put out more bird feed, including pulverized insect stuff that wrens like. We're going to help the wren make it through. She's not going to perish, no way. Not on our watch.

P.S. I also bought two bags of apples today and we're going to cut those up and put them out for the deer as soon as the snow stops... next week?

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