Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Lizzy's and Chiquita's adoptive sibling relationship didn't start well.

The first day Chiquita was in the house, she rushed to Lizzy's bowl at din-din time (Lizzy being served first because she is Top Dog) and was quickly nipped by the spaniel, a nip that would've been nothing to another dog but that left the then-2.2 lbs Chiquita a bit mauled, with tooth marks on her face and skull.

Chiquita thus learned not only to never rush Lizzy's bowl while Lizzy was eating but also to stay away from the larger dog (who pretty much outweighs her by 26 lbs). Recently, however, there have been small rapprochements as Lizzy tries to learn to play with Chiquita without stomping on her. And, tonight, they shared the dog bed for a little while.

That is progress, indeed! I think Lizzy is slowly realizing that her position as Top Dog isn't threatened by the Chihuahua, who today weighed 3.8 lbs at the vet's, where we went for her vaccinations.

As a mother who wants to see her furry children get along, the shared-bed moment was a small victory.


Tommy said...

Nice post and Cool blog!

If you're at all interested, this is mine: http://thestoriesofwhitegloves.blogspot.com/

Raquelita said...

This photo is completely adorable! I hope they continue to make progress as friends!