Sunday, June 2, 2013

Gettysburg, PA

On our way home on Sunday, we had decided to stop at Gettysburg, which I had never seen before. This is a place you can never forget. The museum is first rate, especially the historical videos they have that explain the battle, and its historical context within the U.S. Civil War.

But the eeriest and most impressive part was driving around the acres and acres that became one of the bloodiest battlefields. We started on the Southern side, which simply "felt wrong" to me, and I kept insisting that we had to drive around to find the Northern side.

Once there, I was surprised to find monuments to Maine and New York regiments, who fought in that battle, but we couldn't locate a Massachusetts one. I was sure there had to be a battalion from Massachusetts there, and there is, but we didn't get a chance to find it.

The preservation work that they've done at Gettysburg is simply amazing, and it's very moving and awe-inspiring to know that you are stepping on a place where history was made, quite literally. It was the battle that turned the U.S. Civil War and stopped the seemingly invincible Robert E. Lee. Quite a history.

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