1) Wake up later than usual and start slow, resisting any impulse to rush or to multi-task or to accomplish many things in a short amount of time (as you usually do).
Firecrackers and gun shots that lasted until after 1 a.m. and a wind storm that sounded like someone was trying to pry our second-floor window from its seams didn't make for sound sleeping on the last night of the year. Groggily and unwillingly, I finally awoke for a second time at half past nine because of a phone call that was meant for my husband, who'd forgotten to take the phone with him downstairs when he got up. "Might as well start the new year," I told myself as I not-very-resolutely got out of bed.
2) Brave the elements.
After delaying as much as I could since the winds outside looked ominous as they bent the tall pines and ruffled the feathers of all the birds at our bird feeder, I leashed the dogs and set out into the storm, hoping I'd eaten enough during the holidays so that the wind couldn't lift me off the ground and take me away to the Land of Oz.
What are tropical storm-strength 40 mph winds in 20-degree weather to me? I scoff at winter!
3) Take the road not taken and take it for a longer time than usual.
As I saw the receding form of my husband, who'd left at the same time we did but who was going to do a 6-mile run, the dogs and I decided (well, I decided for them) that we'd take a much longer road than usual and one we hadn't taken before. Once all was said and done, we'd walked almost 3 miles against the howling wind under gray and chilly skies on lonely streets where the angry wind blew the leaves into little dirt devils.
4) Make your first mistake of the year, and take in stride, literally.
As a runner approached us, the dogs and I got all excited thinking it was my husband. It was not, and I think he muttered something unfriendly, like "Lady, get out of the way," because we'd all moved forward to meet him. Oh, well, we thought in tandem, and kept striding our own merry way.
5) Return home, face flushed and nearly frozen, but soul exhilarated and pleased that you and the dogs accomplished something different during the first day of the new year.
The elderly dogs quickly withdrew to their respective beds to snore and dream of chasing rabbits or cats or squirrels but I felt like I could've walked another 3 miles on my spanking brand-new (and expensive!) running shoes (that I can only use for walking, of course).
6) Spend the rest of the day embarking on a project you love.
Since the early afternoon, I've been ensconced in my basement office working away on the Monster. Her parts are becoming more evident every day that passes and I can see how it's beginning to look like a whole body of work, surely if slowly. I can't wait for the moment when I zap her heart with the electricity of knowing it's all done and it comes to life, clamoring for its moment in the sun.
7) Repeat it all again at the earliest opportunity.
Not bad for the first day of 2008. Gracias a Dios.
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