Saturday, July 19, 2008

The chickadees, of course

Today dawned as my first day in our new apartment in the woods at my small college on the hill. Yesterday afternoon, the dogs and I came up with the bare minimum that would fit in my small Scion, and then in the evening, after he was done with a busy workday, my husband loaded up the truck and brought more essential things. This included the cats, food, cutlery, dishes and glasses, as well as the TV and the computer, which are to be hooked up this afternoon by a cable guy.

After delivering the felines, which don’t travel well at all (Darwin yowled for an entire hour!), my husband went back as the sun was setting to get the house ready for the movers, who were there first thing this morning. I stayed back and fashioned a makeshift bed for myself with two large pillows and several comforters. This arrangement not only failed the attempt at achieving comfort, but I also worried all night about something crawling up from the carpet into the “bed.”

As you may imagine, and as anyone who has moved with cats would know, the night wasn’t a restful one at all. The cats woke me up several times during the night with some mischief. Then Magellan decided at 5:45 a.m. that it was time for some TLC, so I figured I needed to get a lot done before the movers arrived, and I gave up the attempt at sleep. I'm still hoping to get some kind of nap this afternoon, although it's looking less and less likely as I find more and more things that need to be done.

This is Magellan’s fifth move with us (her first was from our house in Puerto Rico to a small apartment in the suburbs of Columbus, then from that apartment to a two-story suburban house, then to the four-level house -- counting the basement, 1st floor, 2nd floor and attic -- in the tiny city, and now to this 2-room apartment in the woods). For Darwin, this is only his third move with us and he’s been freaking out ever since he arrived. Magellan, on the other hand, is taking the change of digs with greater aplomb, evidencing her characteristic “I am an Empress” attitude.

In the dog department, Geni couldn’t care less where she is as long as she has food and a comfy bed, but Rusty has been very unhappy. He threw up yesterday all over the apartment’s Berber carpet (thankfully, it’s a very dark color), and this morning he threw up his dinner and wouldn’t have his breakfast. He was relatively enthusiastic about his walk, so I’m hoping that once the furniture arrives and my husband is here, his sense of utter disruption will subside, and his stomach will settle.

Also last evening, my husband set up the bird feeders (except the hummingbird feeder, which the squirrels broke when it hung outside the window of the other apartment, and which now requires retooling). Not one bird had come to the feeders until only a little while ago, when a chickadee (of course) found the seed and sang her appreciation loudly. The cats are enjoying looking out for the birds from both large picture windows, so at least that’s keeping them otherwise engaged this morning.

While I wait for the movers, I’m testing out a MacBook that I was loaned by the college to see whether I want one for my own use so I thought I’d use my TV-less and Internet-less time profitably and write today’s post.

Out there, all is serene, especially since there are only 7 of the 16 apartments occupied at this time. In the courtyard, a bird just chased an insect, a black horned moth set himself on the opened window pane, and the squirrels are foraging under the trees, unaware (as of yet) that there is bird seed here. A Daddy Longlegs appears to be trying to eat a small piece of nut (about the same size as its own body) from the bird seed that I put out this morning.

Rusty is fast asleep on his bed. And I wish I could do the same but that will have to wait until after the movers arrive.


Afternoon update:

The movers came and left and I've arranged the apartment in a way I hope my husband likes when he arrives a little later with another full truck load.

Rusty ate his breakfast (a few minutes ago) and is snoozing at my feet. I'm really liking this MacBook, best of all because I now have cable and internet so I'm back in touch with the world.

All is well that continues well.

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