Friday, July 17, 2009

Home, sweet home

After a week of fun in the sun and of seeing the whole family, we are unmistakeably back in Ohio at the small college on the hill, where coming across deer and other wildlife is a daily occurrence.

This young deer (probably a fawn?) seemed reluctant to run away when I stopped the car to take a picture for this post. S/he hangs out alone in the most visible of places, like the lawn in front of one of the department houses, right next to a main road. S/he eventually scampered away when I tried to get her/him to look straight at the camera.

While we enjoyed our time in Puerto Rico, my husband and I are both glad to be home and to return to our leisurely summer routines, including taking long walks in the evening and the occasional visit to the college bookstore, which sells locally made ice cream.

Next week brings the promise of a closing on our new home and, if all goes as planned, we should be able to move next weekend. We'll see if that's the case. We're both eager to have a house again (the garage will be most welcome by both of us, although I think most of all by my husband, whose motorcycle has weathered an entire year in an outside parking lot). And I'm especially looking forward to not having to have the cat litter in the one tiny bathroom of this apartment. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

While Darwin is very happy to have us both back (even though he really likes my "college daughter," who looked after them while we were gone), Magellan is especially pleased because she gets to go out again and sit in her "throne" while my husband and I sit outside and enjoy the summery weather.

I've always felt that the best thing about traveling is getting back home, and that certainty gets stronger everytime I'm away and I return.

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