Saturday, July 11, 2009

A walk on the beach

This morning, my husband and I took advantage of a beautiful morning to take a long walk on the beach. Surprisingly, at least for me, there are a lot of people who walk on the beach from very early in the morning (lately, we've been going to bed by 10:30 p.m. and getting up by 6:30 a.m., if not earlier).

During our walk, we came across several people walking their dogs on the beach, and the most memorable of them was Newton, a tiny (5 pounds?) puppy who was as eager and as fearful as puppies are, all at the same time. After about 30 minutes of walking, we turned back so we could get ready for our busy day.

On the way into the apartment building, after my husband had written "Greetings from Puerto Rico" in the sand in Spanish so I could use it for this blog, I noticed these pretty beach flowers, which hide the homes of the tiny hermit crabs, or cobitos, that are ubiquitous in many of our beaches.

This photograph doesn't do justice to the beauty of the marullo, that final part of the wave that rolls and gurgles and foams, like a poem written in salt water.

Back at my parents' apartment, where we will stay until our return to Ohio (my husband on Monday and I on Tuesday) he noticed this miniature flower, pushing through the cement wall on the side of the apartment building's parking lot.

"The desire to live overcomes the worst circumstances," he said, and I couldn't agree more.

Our day included a stop at the salon I've been going to for more than a decade to get my hair done and later a 2-hour lunch with old friends, which was cut short because we had to get going to meet up with my arriving sister and her kids. My brother arrived a few hours later to join his wife and kids, who have been here for several days.

By this evening, my entire family, all 13 of us, were reunited at the apartment by the beach, which is no longer "ours" but my sister's. There, we all celebrated her birthday and being together, which is a uniquely special event this time around.

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